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Description:  EasyDBO是由简易java框架网(www.easyjf.com)开发的一个适合中小型软件数据库开发的java数据持久层框架,系统参考hibernate、JDO等,结合中小项目软件的开发实际,实现简单的Java对象到关系数据的映射。EasyDBO由于比较简单,比较适合于中小企业及个人开发使用,EasyDBO当前还处于测试阶段、是一个简易但不太成熟的对象-关系映射开源中间件。   EasyDBO的源代码非常简单,有一点Java知识的人基本上都能读懂,因此,选择EasyDBO作本文的示例主要目的在于让读者快速进入ORM系统的世界,理解对象-关系数据库实质及实现原理。    EasyDBO考虑的是最简单的对象-关系映射,简单到可以不使用任何配置文件就实现对象-关系的映射。EasyDBO源码主要包括com.easyjf.dbo、com.easyjf.dbo.config、com.easyjf.dbo.sql三个包。其中com.easyjf.dbo是框架的核心、实现了对象-关系的转换、JDBC API的封装以及用户接口支持等,com.easyjf.dbo.config实现配置文件的管理,com.easyjf.dbo.sql实现数据库的简单Sql语句的生成及多数据库支持的扩展。-EasyDBO is simple java framework Network (www.easyjf.com) opened made of a database for small and medium-sized software development java data persistence layer framework, System Reference Apache, JDO, combining small and medium-sized projects in software development practice, the simple Java objects to relational data mapping. EasyDBO as simpler, more suited to the development of SMEs and personal use, EasyDBO also present at the testing stage, it is a simple but not very mature object-relational mapping open-source middleware. EasyDBO the source code is very simple, it is knowledge of Java basically can understand, therefore, EasyDBO choice for the examples in this paper main purpose is to let readers quick access to ORM system in the world, understanding Object-relational database and re
Platform: | Size: 2117134 | Author: sxy | Hits:


Description:  EasyDBO是由简易java框架网(www.easyjf.com)开发的一个适合中小型软件数据库开发的java数据持久层框架,系统参考hibernate、JDO等,结合中小项目软件的开发实际,实现简单的Java对象到关系数据的映射。EasyDBO由于比较简单,比较适合于中小企业及个人开发使用,EasyDBO当前还处于测试阶段、是一个简易但不太成熟的对象-关系映射开源中间件。   EasyDBO的源代码非常简单,有一点Java知识的人基本上都能读懂,因此,选择EasyDBO作本文的示例主要目的在于让读者快速进入ORM系统的世界,理解对象-关系数据库实质及实现原理。    EasyDBO考虑的是最简单的对象-关系映射,简单到可以不使用任何配置文件就实现对象-关系的映射。EasyDBO源码主要包括com.easyjf.dbo、com.easyjf.dbo.config、com.easyjf.dbo.sql三个包。其中com.easyjf.dbo是框架的核心、实现了对象-关系的转换、JDBC API的封装以及用户接口支持等,com.easyjf.dbo.config实现配置文件的管理,com.easyjf.dbo.sql实现数据库的简单Sql语句的生成及多数据库支持的扩展。-EasyDBO is simple java framework Network (www.easyjf.com) opened made of a database for small and medium-sized software development java data persistence layer framework, System Reference Apache, JDO, combining small and medium-sized projects in software development practice, the simple Java objects to relational data mapping. EasyDBO as simpler, more suited to the development of SMEs and personal use, EasyDBO also present at the testing stage, it is a simple but not very mature object-relational mapping open-source middleware. EasyDBO the source code is very simple, it is knowledge of Java basically can understand, therefore, EasyDBO choice for the examples in this paper main purpose is to let readers quick access to ORM system in the world, understanding Object-relational database and re
Platform: | Size: 2116608 | Author: sxy | Hits:

[Embeded Linux2410AD

Description: 2410开发板在ADS下的A/D转换测试程序。 运行步骤: 1 打开ad.mcp工程文件 2 运行 3 用一根导线连接ad 输入0通道,观察屏幕输出数据的变化 文件说明: ad_test.c:开发板初始化文件 ad.c :ad测试主文件-2410 ADS development board in the A/D converter testing procedures. Running steps : one open document ad.mcp two projects running with a three wire connections ad input channel 0, observation screen output data document the changes : ad_test.c : development board initialization file ad.c : ad testing main file
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 符杰林 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringhuftest

Description: 测试哈夫曼编码源程序 软件工程中重要的一部分,即软件测试。该例给出了如何测试哈夫曼编码及解压源程序的方法。-test Huffman coding source software projects important part of that is software testing. The cases are given how to test and Huffman coding method of extracting the source.
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: song | Hits:

[Software EngineeringSoftTest

Description: 软件工程之软件测试技术教程,PPT格式。-software projects, software testing technical guides, PPT format.
Platform: | Size: 1884160 | Author: 王朝 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringSoftwareTesting

Description: 软件测试的详细文档,极有参考价值,能使用于各种软件项目中-Software testing detailed documentation, would be a valuable reference to make this for a variety of software projects
Platform: | Size: 118784 | Author: wenck | Hits:


Description: wpf中使用代码生成自定义tooltip,测试项目,需安装.net3.5-the use of code generation wpf custom tooltip, testing projects, to be installed. net3.5
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: luyingxue | Hits:

[GIS programshapelib

Description: 读写ESRI公司Shape格式文件的C底层类库,十分简洁强大,大名鼎鼎的OGR library中对Shape文件的IO就是用的这个库,包含完整代码,文档和测试工程,或用于C/C++,C#,VB等-Read and write ESRI, Shape file format underlying C library, a very concise powerful, the famous OGR library of Shape files IO is to use the library, contains the complete code, documentation and testing projects, or for C/C+ 2B !, C#, VB, etc.
Platform: | Size: 406528 | Author: sun | Hits:

[Remote ControlminiRAT

Description: 一款小巧的远程控制软件,整个源码只有61 KB,带自动上线!国外的原版,全英文。功能还是很强大的!- (A small source-modification to fix the processlist, multidownload errors.) miniRAT 0.5 Open-Source code Coded for sweRAT competition Coded by p0ke (http://p0ke.no-ip.com) Shouts goes out to following people: - ksv, for helping with ideas, understanding codes, etc - redlime, for beta-testing, helping with ideas - Caecigenus, for beta-testing, moral support, webcamsex, etc - Farbror, for just being him. - satan_addicted, for the Remote Command Code. - Tzorcelan, for moral support, and nice music. - n00nah, for the weed. - D-oNe, for the critism, negative words and sexhniess. - Xaero3, for being funny at irc - peck, for all the conversations about drugs. :p - docksider, for the baloontray-tip. - DA, for the old good times. - e1f, for the friendship, whisky and money D - Aphex, for the wonderfull codes :) - Positron, for the nice codes and projects. - sweRAT Team, a damn nice crew. - sweVX Team, another
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: 阿狼 | Hits:


Description: PL/SQLDeveloper是一种集成的开发环境,专门用于开发、测试、调试和优化OraclePL/SQL存储程序单元,比如触发器等。PL/SQLDeveloper功能十分全面,大大缩短了程序员的开发周期。强大的PL/SQL编辑器,完善的Debugger调试器(需要Oracle7.3.4或以上版本)询问创建\SQL视窗\命令视窗\报告视窗\项目\浏览器\过程优化\HTML手册\Non-PL/SQL目标\模板目录\比较用户目标\输出用户目标\工具\lug-In扩展\Multi-threadedIDE\简单的安装(本软件由allroundautomations中国区总代理www.softwarecn.com授权发布。 注意:此版本为8.0.0.1480 正式版+注册码-PL/SQLDeveloper is an integrated development environment dedicated to developing, testing, debugging and optimizing OraclePL/SQL stored program units, such as triggers and so on. PL/SQLDeveloper feature is very comprehensive, greatly reducing development time programmers. Powerful PL/SQL editor, a sound Debugger Debugger (requires Oracle7.3.4 or above) asked to create \ SQL Windows \ command Windows \ Report Windows \ Projects \ Explorer \ process optimization \ HTML Manual \ Non-PL/SQL target \ Templates directory \ more users to target \ output of the user target \ Tools \ lug-In extensions \ Multi-threadedIDE \ simple installation (the software agent by the allroundautomations China www.softwarecn.com license. NOTE: This version is 8.0 .0.1480 official version+ License
Platform: | Size: 18285568 | Author: 刘海滨 | Hits:

[Special EffectsTRACEFUNC

Description: 工业用边界跟踪函数,已经过多个项目的实践测试与完善。可对8位非二值图直接进行处理,返回图像中元素的边界,并且为单像素-Industrial border tracking function, several projects have been testing and improving practice. Be on the 8-bit non-binary image processing directly to return the image boundary elements, and single-pixel
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: henry | Hits:

[Software Engineeringtesting

Description: Testing Categories picked up from adm-socially.com this is an Intranet Keane Company details and their way of defining testing articles for the projects
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: Arun | Hits:


Description: 传感器工程,作者为航天测试专家,介绍航天工程测试用的传感器的应用系统开发,精密的传感器测试-Sensor Engineering, of the aerospace testing experts, introduces aerospace engineering application of the sensor test system development, sophisticated sensor test
Platform: | Size: 12400640 | Author: hanmu | Hits:

[Delphi VCLProjects

Description: 飞尔目前最新的无错版的整套程序,是在网上下载的,又经自己小小的修复了一下,测试可用-Seoul fly error-free version of the latest set of procedures is downloaded, but also by their small repaired a bit, testing available
Platform: | Size: 6511616 | Author: jiang | Hits:

[hospital software systemHisIMS

Description: 能够实现简单的病人挂号,预约,交费,发药,退药,医生开医令,医院日常统计,以及设置医生,科室,检查,检验项目。-Patients to achieve a simple registration, reservation, payment, dispensing, drug withdrawal, the doctor medical orders, the hospital daily statistics, and set the doctors, departments, inspection, testing projects.
Platform: | Size: 1853440 | Author: 石头 | Hits:

[DSP programExample-Projects

Description: TI DSP28335各个外设的测试例程-TI DSP28335 Peri testing demo
Platform: | Size: 328704 | Author: 天天 | Hits:

[Other Databaseselectric--testing--management-system

Description: JAVA项目,国家电力检测中心设备资源管理系统项目源代码,供您学习参考-JAVA projects, the national electric power testing equipment, project resource management system source code
Platform: | Size: 139264 | Author: liujun | Hits:

[Software EngineeringAutomated-testing-tools-summary

Description: 软件自动化测试工具汇总,从静态测试、动态测试和测试管理等方面出发,对当前主流的一些商业和共享测试软件进行对比分析,便于读者结合具体项目情况选择和搭建属于自己的软件测试环境。-Automated software testing tools summary, from a static test, dynamic test and test management, starting on the current mainstream commercial and shared some comparative analysis of test software, easy to readers to choose the combination of specific projects and build their own software testing environment.
Platform: | Size: 110592 | Author: MDD | Hits:

[Education soft systemProjects-Source-Code(C)

Description: 典型的项目案例源代码:火车订票系统、企业员工管理、商品管理系统、图书管理系统、通信录管理系统、网络通信编程、学生个人消费管理系统、学生信息管理系统-Projects Source Code: train booking system, corporate staff management, merchandise management system, library management system, address book management system, network communications programming, students personal consumption management system, student information management system, hardware testing ......
Platform: | Size: 633856 | Author: liyan | Hits:

[Program docEMC

Description: 赛盛技术EMC电磁兼容标准详细要求+频谱分析仪介绍资料+产品EMC测试项目介绍- EMC standards detailed requirements+ spectrum analyzer presentation materials+ product EMC testing Projects
Platform: | Size: 1755136 | Author: caiye | Hits:
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